*NOTE - In very rare cases, the 'Free Return' sticker is applied to a product in errorĀ OR you may not qualify for a free return, depending on the answers provided by you to us on the mandatory return/refund form. Therefore, the decision reached by our return/refund department is always VALID and always overrides the eligibility for the Free ReturnĀ programĀ on the item(s)Ā even if thatĀ product is legitimately part of the Free Return Program.Ā
This includes products under the Free Return program that are being returned for 'sizing issues'. If you are returning an item for 'sizing issues' you will automatically be denied eligibility to our Free Return program, as you are required to use the size guides provided and measure yourself and then order the size needed according to the size guide NOT your usual or normal size. (You agree to this prior to checkout, when you agree to the checkout terms and conditions)
We ship from Countries all over the World to Countries all over the World, so you CANNOT order sizes out of habit, and you MUST measure and refer to the size guide(s) provided. Unless you can prove the size guide for the item(s) you ordered is incorrect with a 2-4CM grace, then you will not be eligible for the Free Return Program for sizing issues.
In addition to this, for anĀ item(s)Ā to be eligible for the Free Return Program when claiming a sizing issue, you mustĀ explainĀ on the return/refund form that you measured prior to placing your order.Ā
Custom-Made items are NEVER eligible for returns, as per our return/refund policy. You are required to fill out the MANDATORY return/refund form if you wish to request a return/refund and a 17% restocking fee always applies, even if you are eligible for the Free Return program.Ā
If you have any questions, please email us at getsupport@shopdrestiny.com